Sustainable Living with Bowls By Coco
No one is perfect when it comes to zero-waste living, but it’s very easy to make small changes which can quickly become positive environmental habits.
It's time to turn your meals into masterpieces with the unique yet sustainable products created by Bowls By Coco.
Our natural & eco-friendly products are the perfect alternatives to the plastic tableware and single use plastics for you and your loved ones.
Everyone Can Make A Difference
Handcrafted with care from reclaimed coconut shells, Bowls By Coco products are a symbol of natural beauty.
They are completely organic and a fantastic example of making the most of the plentiful natural resources at our disposal.
In many parts of the world, billions of coconut shells are discarded or burned as waste every year. We are counting on you to save a sad little coconut from being tossed as waste!

Bowls By Coco will contribute 1% of your purchase to remove CO₂ from the atmosphere.